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Non-Agency: 18% of mortgages are funded here ... fastest growing segment of the mortgage marketplace
You know you're qualified
but can't locate a Lender who
understands your financial strength ..........
in 1-2-3 years you WILL be qualified for a Portfolio Mortgage, Agency or Jumbo
50% max debt-to-income ratio
Flexibility to use multiple income options including:
bank statement qualifying
asset qualifying
investment property cash flow
Credit History
Very flexible guidelines
i.e. 1 day out of bankruptcy
As credit improves, pricing improves
620 FICO = minimum
760 FICO = best pricing
Loan Types
Fixed Rate 30 years
5-7 year Fixed + 23-25 year ARM
90% Loan-to-Value
Common sense underwriting
Competitive common sense pricing
Exceptions to Guidelines allowed
Individuals, Family Trust, LLC vesting
GOAL: transition to PORTFOLIO
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